The Performance Giving Network

Our on-line community operates on the “Pay it Forward” principal. We are all here to care for and to help each other. The performance giving network is the key that unlocks the doorway to the world. When you join us in our effort you can send and receive money from family, friends and social media contacts, this is like a combination of Vemo and Go Fund Me. Oh, did I mention that it is FREE! Go here to get started.

Performance giving is a new way to pay it forward. This is a social network help group with some huge organizations and countries involved. The network is using new technology to bring education and services to people around the world. The difference here is that the new network is owned by the people not large corporations, If we all do a little we can accomplish a lot.

The Giving Network with World Wide Reach

Tipping Circle works through the PayPal network and is available in over 150 countries. You can send and receive money from virtually anywhere that the internet is available. If a friend is on vacation in Europe and they need money you can send it to them with just a few clicks!

Helps and Causes

Tipping Circle enables you to set up “Tipping Buckets” for individuals or organizations. So if your friend in Arizona needs help with medical bills you can ad a”Bucket” for them and then “Tip” their “Bucket to send them money. You may also want to ad a “Bucket” for your favorite cause (local humane society etc.) and then promote it through social media. Share these buckets through Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks to easily set up “crowd funding” campaigns. Create “Buckets” for birthdays, weddings, sports clubs, and other events. You can use The Performance Giving Network to help others with social fundraisers and contribute to local non-profits.

Earn Points

By using Tipping Circle and the integrated applications like Free TV, Prime One Chat and Prime One Gaming you can help yourself by earning points and help others by supporting the network.

Help build a better World

he first benefit of “The Performance Giving Network”will be Free TV. Cut the cable and save cash with this great service. This amazing organization has a world wide initiative to help people everywhere save and make money to improve their standard of living. The goal is to change the life circumstances of millions of families. Starting with Free TV and soon adding so much more.  Be sure to sign up on the right to receive all of the new announcements.

Help build a better World