Coffee and Wine Tips

coffee and wine
coffee and wine

Coffee and wine are two of the most consumed beverages in the world. Millions of people start their day with coffee. Many of us continue on through the day during cold weather and I have even had coffee prior to bedtime in the cold winters. Now you can continue your coffee “affair” and lose weight while enjoying a great cup of joe. As we age it seems like the weight gremlins sneak in at night and infect us with extra pounds we don’t need. Now we can fight back and in fact burn off fat as we sleep. The best part is there are no strict diets or exercise routines to follow. Just do what you are doing now; drink this special coffee and watch the scale move in the downward direction for a change!

Now because of this wonderful life changing coffee you can “have your cake and eat it too”. You can enjoy the fine foods and Fine Wines of the world without guilt and angst. We are excited to share this with you and anyone that wants to look and feel great but just doesn’t have the time for diets and exercise. This great product can literally change your lifestyle.

What makes a morning with Coffee even better?

Just buy drinking this “Amazing” Morning Coffee You can lose 10-20 pounds of unwanted fat !!!

The typical person eats the things they like and enjoy and not necessarily what they should. The result too often is unwanted extra pounds and inches. Many of us fall into the trap of “comfort” food. We eat because we are sad or happy or stressed about life’s daily grind. And then there are the things we just can’t resist, for me that would be apple pie and ice cream. With this amazing coffee you will find that you will naturally decrease your portion sizes and help releive the urge for comfort food.

Here is what I Want. We’ll call it “My Cake” ( Coffee and Wine).

What do You want each morning to bring to you? Do you want to be “ready for the Day? We all want to really feel good and look good each and every morning. This leads to a great attitude which helps us have the drive and determination to get the most out of every day.

It would be really great to feel like each day I have the opportunity to help others reach their goals and live richer lives.

I want to be able to Eat Fine Foods as I share quality time with others. To enjoy amazing cooking, and the art of Food. I am a huge lover of Wine. And not just any Wine, but Fine Wines. I have blessed and have enjoyed the years of being able to wind down with Wine. To end the day right; to reflect on what was accomplished and to spend time with my Spouse. We enjoy sharing the day, and the plans for the future. Even the future of tomorrow, next week, next month.

The Side Effects of trying to eat “My Cake” and have it too. (Before I found my Solution)

I would get up each morning eager to start the day right . I would start the coffee and think about who I could help today and how I can help them achieve a better life..

Each evening I like to do what I call “celebrating the day”. This usually involves enjoying good food and fine wines. Slowly but surely, I packed on the pounds and inches. I started trying meal replacement shakes and making better choices. I felt that this would enable me to keep enjoying my evening “celebration” with better results.

The results were not what I wanted. I would do “Fad” diets and some extreme things to lose 40-50 pounds. The problem was these measures were not fulfilling and I wanted to “enjoy” life not just “survive” it. Not being able to live an enjoyable lifestyle doomed these plans to failure. I would eventually fall back to my old ways and the “battle of the bulge” would start all over again.l

This is not fun, and I know several people that suffer with it as I did. (DID – keep reading, because this struggle is over).

Now We Celebrate!

Now I can have my daily “Celebration” and enjoy the fine food and wine I want. This is where coffee and wine comes together to provide morning and evening pleasure. Another bonus is that I get to share this great product with everyone around me. I have found the “Abbra-Cadabbra” of weight management. But unlike the secret words I will not keep this a secret. I want to share this with everyone. Like Ian Fleming said “You only live Twice” once as a person struggling with yourself and once as a person free from the battle.

coffee and wine
coffee and wine
coffee and wine
coffee and wine

With our Coffee – AMAZING stuff that helps you FEEL GREAT and LOSE WEIGHT. And those pesky INCHES around the gut, thighs, butt. You will want to thank me forever, as I am already thanking the friend that share this with me. I am able to lose weight and keep it off without the stresses of crash diets, severe diet or restrictions. I really just drink 2 cups of great tasting coffee throughout the morning. It makes me feel great and gives me a lot of energy. This is proven weight loss Coffee!  Common sense applied, I Eat sensibly, and enjoy a great Dinner (with Wine) throughout the week. As a result, we have our fun, and “splurges” with our weekly Date Nights. Plus, we get to look and feel great – all because of this Coffee!

Now that we have that ugly weight monster under control you should find out about the pleasure of Fine Wines.

Be sure to watch the presentation on our Rewards of Financial and Time Freedom!

Getting started with these amazing products is a s easy as One, Two, Three. You deserve to enjoy life and not just live it. It is a great thing to be able to share these great products with you. If you enjoy sharing your success’s with others there is an opportunity to join us and earn extra income.


Start your morning with your new coffee and enjoy an energy filled day. You will be on your “automatic” weight loss plan because you won’t experience those cravings or those false hunger pains. Furthermore, you will see that your desire for sweets and unhealthy fats will also dwindle. As your body naturally reduces the bad fats and acids your body and mind will feel better and better. Just one or two cups in the morning will provide all day results.

Wine of the Month Club 

And the best thing is that you can still celebrate those special moments with Great Food, and Great “Fine Wine”.  You deserve to enjoy life’s special happenings to the fullest . And you never have to worry about blowing your diet.


You will be receiving single vineyard fine wines from around the Napa Valley & Sonoma Valley region. They will be exceptionally well packaged and shipped directly to your home.  You owe it to yourself to try them. Now with Wine Ambassadors you can enjoy this little Luxury with the convenience of Direct shipping to your door at priced far below retail.

See a Full Presentation Here

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